Which for Halloween gets crazy-busy!
All through the night, holy cow, what a sight-
The stores open up for the kiddies!
At QUARTER TO 4! To be cool,
The grown-ups got dressed, in their Halloween best,
Along with those that, well, share their gene pool.
To see thousands of people this way,
With the streets all open, the boutiques all hopin',
To give all their goodies away.
She was three stores behind, she's no dunce.
She was mixed with the children, not one bit bewildered,
(but mom will have nightmares for months)!
Ent'ring store after store with gusto,
McAllister, leary, of strangers was fearing,
To enter a store all alone.
In our building, after cruising the street.
We'd become such gluttons, but still we pressed buttons,
To the floors of our neighbors' retreats.
But no! That just starts it, Beware!
For New Yorkers who dress every day to impress,
Halloween night is a serious affair.
Thanks to Sami, our sitter, who without,
We'd miss our great time, at St. John the Divine,
The cathedral with much spooky clout.
With live organ music a-playing,
We watched a silent movie displaying
"The Phantom of the Opera", all the melo-da-ra-ama,
"A masterpiece!", critics were saying.
So exhausted and full all are we,
The urban Whiting Family,
We'll need to discover, a way to recover,
From our Halloween in N.Y.C.