Saturday, May 30, 2009

For Better or For Worse, I Run NY

10 days ago I ran the Wall Street 5K, which turned out to be just a 3 mile run, not a 3.1 mile (true 5K) run. It was at 6:45 pm. I wasn't going to run it, in fact that morning I had run 7 miles at the gym and lifted. So when Jason came home early for work and I realized I could actually go, I had no expectations whatsoever. I ran it in 22:33, a 7:31 mile pace. I was so proud of myself, I could have run it even faster but the course crowded.  Which leads me to the next race...
Today I ran the Brooklyn Half Marathon. Fresh off the pride of that 5K, I was more excited than nervous, knew I could do it. I told myself to just do it under 2 hours and enjoy it. But my biggest temptation is pressure; I gravitate towards it. In the back of my mind I felt I could really do great, perhaps an 8-minute mile pace (1hour 45mins). I went with a mom friend from McAllister's class, a girl new to running. We parted ways at the start line, and she was all prepared with her energy gels and her sports watch to time her splits. I chewed my granola bar, slurped my yogurt, and drank a few sips of water.
Mile 2 my injured heel started to burn, in an unfamiliar place in my foot. I got some gatorade at the station and kept trucking along. I skipped all the other water stations along the way, I simply wasn't thirsty. I was running along to my iPod and thanking Jason at every step that he'd encouraged me to wear my sunglasses. By mile 10, though, I noticed something had changed and that my pace was slowing. My hip (probably compensating for my heel pain), my energy level. People were passing me and I was starting not to care. I crossed the finish line at 1:52:07, even with the last 1/8 of a mile being a sprint. An 8:32 mile pace. A full minute longer than the other race. That's a big difference. Looking back now I realized I should have been prepared more. When I crossed the line I was disoriented and weak, I had to hold on to some race-helper guy. It took a full 30 minutes to not be dizzy and a tad confused. Long story longer, I learned a lot for next time.

I found Jason at the Finish with the kids and we stayed and ate a Nathan's hot dog (very over-rated) and played at the beach on Coney Island. I laid on a park bench on the Boardwalk and drank a Diet Coke, and took fun pictures. Look at my kids, my sweet kids; Jason. They're all the bragging rights I need.  

Friday, May 29, 2009

Piano Recital Highlights

McAllister: walking up to that piano so purposefully you'd have thought the 'M' was for Mozart. His bow before and after his turn were so strong I had to supress a giggle. He was in awe of a 10 year old boy who played the 'Star Wars' theme. He saw his future!
London: such a nervous expression on her face I actually got worried, but just like her dad, when she knows she has to deliver, she doesn't miss a beat. She played beautifully. 
Daisy: 'When do I get to play piano?' 

And then there's the picture I made Jason take of my new shoes. If you could see them in person you'd have done the same. :)

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Friday, May 22, 2009

Field Day, City-Style

I chaperoned McAllister's Field Day at school today. It was a lot of fun and Daisy had just as much fun as the first-graders. The school had use of the Battery Park City Ballfields, across the street from the school. I continue to be amazed at the level of commitment from all the adults involved at the school. Amazing teachers, including the wonderful P.E. teachers. We are very lucky. 
It still blows my mind to see how Childhood will still happen among the skyscrapers. It's a hopeful and optimistic observation.  :)

Friday, May 15, 2009

London Calling...

Jason and I had a three-day getaway to London. He was there for meetings and I joined him. We had a great, great time.

Family Poetry Day in McAllister's Class

As part of their poetry unit, the children had a Family Poetry Morning, reading their favorite poem. Here was McAllister's: 

'A Guy Can Fly' by McAllister

A guy can fly.
No it can't. It is fiction.
It means it is not true.

Finger snaps, all around....

Saturday, May 9, 2009


My birthday was had, with the prettiest flower arrangement ever and a caked decorated with lollipops, a Star Wars Lego guy, and a Littlest Pet Shop animal. I feel loved.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Need A Suit?

...they're selling them for $50 across the street from our apartment. Who needs Barney's when you've got 'The World of Suits'?

Don't Look Now, But Someone's Growing Up!

Daisy unloading her bag at preschool. In London's old hand-me-downs. Sweet girl.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

You Know You've Had a Good Day When It Ends at Pinkberry

To even explain the great day we had, let's just say that at the end of it I left Jason and Daisy today at the TriBeCa Film Festival Family Festival so I could deliver a meal to a new mom at church and take London and Tass to see Disney Earth. Jason was to go grocery shopping. He did, but then halfway through the movie he sent this email with a photo attached. Apparently after buying flour and sugar and dropping it off at home, Jason and Daisy found it necessary to head up to SoHo and go to PinkBerry and get some retail therapy out of the way for Jason. 

Why not? 

Tribeca Film Festival Family Fair

They closed off Greenwich Street in our neighborhood for about 8 blocks and had a fair, sponsored by Tribeca Film Festival (DeNiro's gig). It was the best, most organized fair we've been to. The kids got cupcakes from Billy's (in Chelsea, but they're opening up a TriBeCa location in June- yay!), saw a magic show, did crafts, ate amazing Street food from Bubby's, and had a fantastic day. Then Jason stole off and went to Pinkberry with Daisy (see next entry). THIS is why we love this city. For a while I'd had a hard time coming up with reasons.

Baseball at Battery Park

Yep, we're becoming Mets fans; so many reasons: they're in the same league as the AZ Diamondbacks, they're orange and blue like Nichole's HS Alma Mater, and lastly, they're not the Yankees, which according to Jason, should be reason enough.  Another new reason is that McAllister's Rookie Little League team happens to be the Mets - oh what luck! Here are pics from his first game.

And the girls and their fun as well: 
London with a view of the Hudson in the background. Rockefeller Park is only 6 blocks away from our apartment. I love going running along the Hudson. 
Daisy and Daddy cooling their heels. Baseball for 6 year olds can go a bit slowly. Jason loves it, Daisy gets antsy.