We have been having a blast since school let out, playdates and meet-ups, and of course, our own Four-Person Posse, doing touristy things. The weather has been in the high 70s for the most part, which is such a bonus when the pool isn't an option. It's been a good summer so far, much better than the boredom I was dreading.
I don't love zoos, but my kids had a blast with their Skidmore pals:
AMERICAN NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM (The part the tourists don't know about!)
Wonderful, huge fountains (a.k.a. 'city kids' pools)! Met up with my great friends and stayed the whole afternoon:
Fun, Fast Elevator. Beautiful, peaceful view. I think the city looks just as pretty on the ground as from the 'air'. But my kids were over it in 10 minutes, especially since I had no quarters for the view finders:

CRUMBS BAKERY at Bryant Park
(Magnolia or Billly's has the best cupcakes, New Yorkers are currently obsessed with any good or crazy cupcake, so there are bakeries everywhere):
MERRY GO ROUND at Bryant Park:
NYC PUBLIC LIBRARY (you know, the ones with the lions out front)
Had the best children's selection, here's McAllister reading one of his books:
(I make my kids thank Jackie O every time I walk through the Grand Terminal - she saved it from being torn down):
This is a little-known fairground at the bottom of CP that is held inside the walls of Wollman Rink. We got all-you-can-ride passes and knocked ourselves out for 3 1/2 hours. Daisy was fearless, she went on every single ride:
More to come, I promise...