It's October. So here's the short version in pictures:

Vacationed in Texas with the cousins. My kids got 2 whole weeks of Pool Time. (Moving to NY is going to keep my kids' skin young and un-sun-damaged, I guess).

toured the MoMa with London. She really loved it and got used to the nudity. Great teaching moment about how beautiful our bodies are, and that your little heart will feel funny if it's not appropriate, or grateful if it is.

Enjoyed a visit from Grandma. She did GREAT cruising around the streets with us.

Said goodbye to dear friends Craig and Mary (our 'First Friends in The City') as they moved to greener (or was it sunnier?) pastures in San Diego

Saw Anne Hathaway in Twelfth Night in Central Park's 'Shakespeare In The Park' Series with Jason's cousin-sister Lori Whiting Mortensen. Loved how people thought we ourselves were cousins b/c we resembled each other.

speaking of Lori, her daughters Lucy and Sarah were welcome visitors while they lived in NYC for 2 months. Daisy and Lucy were kindred spirits and played for hours

Working at J.Crew's exclusive jewelry gallery on Prince Street in SoHo, we participated in Vogue Magazine's FASHION'S NIGHT OUT. A huge success surrounding our jewelry: a "Meet The Designer Night". What a great idea! ;)
So that's it. Great summer, on to fall at a breakneck speed!