We had the most amazing day. The Crown will be open for another year or so and then it is closed for renovations. With our 'Crown Access' tickets (not many are doled out each day, so you must reserve way in advance), we had the quick line, and the entire statue practically all to ourselves. We were the only ones in the crown for a full 5 minutes. When we bought the tickets we were warned that climbing up to the crown (since there is obviously no elevator) was a 'strenuous and enclosed climb of 344 steps' not recommended for children under 10. I worried that Daisy would not make it. But they didn't factor in that City kids walk a mile to 2 miles every single day of their life, and this was nothing for them. They practically ran up, with Daisy leading the charge. If you ever come here, you must brave the crowds and climb the crown. I don't know if it would be worth it otherwise. After that we went to the Tribeca Film Festival Family Fair in our 'hood and spent the rest of our afternoon playing in the street. This definitely makes you heart NY after such a long and drawn out winter.