Saturday, September 6, 2008

Six in The City

McAllister celebrated his 6th birthday yesterday and today. I went to his 1st grade class to tell of the day he was born, which was great. He passed out cupcakes and pencils. We had birthday cake that night, a Star Wars kind like he wanted. He had a fantastic soccer game this morning, scoring 2 goals! No small feat since there's 8 kids on the field, all legitimate-like with a paid referee. At the end of the game, one kid asked the coach, "Who won?" The coach answered, "what matters is we had fun, (but we did!)" Love that guy. It's going to be great season.
Today we went out with just McAllister to the Natural History Museum. We saw a show at the Hayden Planetarium. He felt so special traipsing around the city with his parents and no sisters! We totally bonded with him. He is a sweet kid, he has transitioned really well to school, and he's a great little athlete! I'm thinking College Scholarship, baby!
It started to rain like crazy this afternoon. The first rain storm I've seen in NYC since we moved here. I've concluded that the Hunter wellies I bought were worth it, and that I need to consider some serious rain gear. The rain goes sideways, and it builds up on different tiers of the tall buildings, only to be unleashed when a gust of wind comes along. It's like the kids' show from the 70's, "The Electric Company", where the unsuspecting victim suddenly gets a bucket of water in the face. Que the Laugh Track. Yep, the famous New York Weather is stirring up. Oh well, more chances to accessorize?!

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