Thursday, November 13, 2008

Have Smile, Will Travel

Today is going well. It's raining cats and dogs outside, but it hasn't gotten old to me yet. Rain still brings a cathartic quality to my outlook. I'm sure that will change as winter progresses, maybe that's why I'm posting now. I've been walking an 8-block circle running errands and transporting kids and I'm soaked (gotta get better rain gear!). Among other things I went to school and picked McAllister up for a lunch date, and I treated him to McDonald's. He's finding his place among established friendships at school, and has been feeling left out. So inspite of my McDonald's indigestion, I feel good about letting him know he is loved. It is good (albeit very difficult) to make me slow down like this. 'Lunch hour' was a success.
I picked Daisy up from preschool, and when I took her coat off at home I looked at her and decided to take a picture. A mini New-Yorker- I laugh because it wasn't intentional. Anyway, like her big sister, she immediately started posing. Here is the result.

1 comment:

  1. Such a cutie! Kate is the same way. She thinks "Say cheese" means strike a pose. I have a story I'll email you that may help McAllister with the friend situation.
