"Are you her babysitter?"
"No, honey, I'm her mommy."
[long pause]
"You don't look like she looks."
[long sigh, from me]
"No, honey, I don't...."
"Yeah..." And then she went off again to play.
On the street I find myself referring to myself as 'mommy' every chance I get ('Daisy, hold on to MOMMY'S hand/McAllister, MOMMY doesn't want to go that way; let's turn left/London, let's ask DADDY when we get HOME'). Alas, there is nothing 'brown' about these kids. Like calling shotgun, I inadvertently try to establish ownership of my kids among these strangers in the street. Those confused glances are worth my efforts.
Speaking of the kids, they are doing so well adjusting. The worst adjustment is bedtime, they're still getting used to falling asleep together in the same room. But our triple bunk is the bomb!
The best they've adjusted to is the complete reinvention of our transportation. McAllister has become a pro at counting blocks. We went to Soho today to go to the Children's Museum of Art, and instead of taking 2 stops up the subway, I thought we'd walk and scope out restaurants along the way (Jason and I will be dating again soon, we've found sitters!!!). The entire walk he kept asking 'how many blocks is it?' I thought I'd cover my bases and say, '12' not knowing how many blocks it was but figured that it would convey to him 'it's a healthy walk, so quit asking, we're going to be walking for a little while.' But no, after 15 minutes he clearly announced, 'we have 3 blocks left!' Who needs Nav when you've got a McAllister J?
As for London, she cracks me up. She is becoming my own little fashion icon. And the chick is not even trying. She takes her little purse with her everywhere, carrying a stuffed animal or sunglasses or her money, wearing it across her body in a stylishly careless way. She's learning all the neighborhoods downtown, and was talking about some store in Chelsea or Soho. I'm sitting there thinking, 'is there a teenager in the room?' but then I hear her talk about the store only because it carries a new stuffed animal she wants. Phew. She's still my BabyLondon.
Daisy is hilarious. She stopped covering her ears when we're in the subway, or looking around at the sound of a siren. It occurred to me that she will only ever know life in NY- she'll never remember suburbia like the other kids. I don't know what to feel about that, except to resolve to make the life we've chosen the best it can be for all of our kids. Her stuttering that she picked up when we moved 2 1/2 months ago has completely disappeared as of this week. Instead we have these little stories or thoughts or opinions coming out of her mouth, but the funny part is that she only fills us in halfway. She starts the opinion in her head and then finishes it out loud, serious in her efforts to communicate her opinion. Out of the blue, "... and so that is what is my birthday for my turtle and it happened last night." (wha?!?) The hand motions and eye contact are so committed, she could sell ice to eskimos.
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