To Blog or Not to Blog?
Well here goes. Give me a minute. I am writing this blog not because anything I have going on actually warrants 'publishing', but because after talking to several friends they've asked questions about life here in New York, and I've come up short in providing details and anecdotes. Not because there aren't any, but because being on the phone while stirring pasta sauce ("what? she doesn't cook! Who are you and what have you done with the real Nichole?") or unloading a dishwasher ("cleaning? that's more like it!"), I've drawn too many blanks. I look at this blog as a sort of a sacrifice on my part, because I am clinging more and more to my privacy as I age. My blessings and challenges are becoming more sacred to me because they're refining me in ways I couldn't have imagined. But, I love my friends and I love my family and if by doing this they will feel connected to me and Jason and our kids, then it's worth it.So just call me Joan of Arc of the digital age. If what I'm doing means something to you, then you yourself mean something to me. And plus there's some hilarious/pathetic/crazy stuff happening around here- it'll be nice to get some of it out! :)
YEA! It's about time! I am so excited to live the exciting NYC life vicariously through you. BTW, your kids are gorgeous!
ReplyDeleteYES! Just think of this as the beginnings of your book! I hope you'll update it often! I just moved from to if you ever miss life in suburbia :)
GREAT PICs Give the kids a kiss and hug for me.
ReplyDeleteLove, Dad