Sunday, June 1, 2014

Running Post #2

After living in Paris, France for 18 months, I took it back up again and it helped. When I got married my husband introduced me to weight lifting. It totally changed my body and I learned enough to hang around with the meatheads at the Gold's Gym in Arlington. My loathing of running was 60%.
Then babies came along. I gained 65-70 pounds when I was pregnant with my first, and because of a previous miscarriage, wasn't allowed to exercise until the second trimester. I cried and cried when I had 25 bloody pounds left to lose when my baby was a month old. Jason would say, "If it's important to you, you'll lose it!" It was and I did- after 7 months of many self-loathing miles on the treadmill. Then my second, and again 65 pounds! Again I self-loathingly lost the weight. Then #3 baby, I gained 65 A-freaking-GAIN, only was blessed with the stomach flu twice so it ended up totaling out to 40-45. I felt amazing and ran hard and fast until month 5. Then lifted and did the yucky elliptical, I hate that thing. Might as well watch TV and do finger pushups. But after the baby was a month old, I still had 25 pounds to lose; it's as if my body knew what it needed to feed the baby and recover properly.
Fast forward and that 85% of loathing has diminished to 0. I absolutely love it. Now what I deal with is the injuries, the morbid fear of not being able to run one day. I am positively addicted, it is the perfect cardio. I add it to
I am proud to say that I've

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